As a manufacturer, we understand our role to reduce carbon
emissions to counter climate change. We have two projects in
place to help us achieve this, and are constantly looking for
ways to further reduce emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Initiative

We are in Phase 1 of the Greenhouse Gas Initiative. In this phase, we are establishing indicators of what our current natural gas consumption is and determining what restoration actions can be made.

Phase 1

Complete:Established each production facility’s natural gas usage rates and cost

In Progress:Establish natural gas usage rates at the equipment levels

In Progress:Optimize all units to maximize functionality

In Progress:Explore usage reduction options for ovens with new style burners

Air Analysis Initiative

We are in Phase 2 of the Air Analysis Initiative, a project where our focus is to eliminate air leaks on our equipment in our production facilities. By fixing these air leaks, we reduce our energy consumption.

Phase 1

Complete:Reduced air leaks in 3 production facilities

Complete:Air leak detection in all 4 production facilities

Phase 2

In Progress:Finalize energy savings from Phase 1

In Progress:Standard use of equipment and CFM/energy calculations for identified leaks

In Progress:Annual assessment of all 4 production facilities